New York Hilton Midtown
Schedule of Events
*intended for Agency Principal Members
Monday, March 6, 2023
1:15 pm: Registration Opens
1:30 pm – 1:45 pm: Welcome
1:45 pm – 2:45 pm: Sponsor Presentation by Casambi
2:45 pm – 3:00 pm: AAILA Welcome*
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm: Achieving and Maintaining Success as a Sales Representative – A Two-Part Presentation, Daniel Beederman*
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm: AAILA Member Networking Reception
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Complimentary 30-minute counseling session with attorney, Daniel Beederman*
Monday, March 6
Sponsor Presentation by Casambi
This session will provide an introduction to Casambi’s Bluetooth Mesh-based lighting controls system and begin a discussion of how representatives can create and hold specifications, increase their revenue and even integrate third party systems.
Achieving and Maintaining Success as a Sales Representative – A Two-Part Presentation
How should an independent sales representative measure success? That’s the subject of this jam-packed, two-part presentation by Daniel E. Beederman, an attorney with over 40 years of experience counseling independent sales representatives on legal and business issues that are unique to their profession.
Part One: Getting Paid for Your Success
On one level, success is achieved when you develop a new customer or finally land that big sale after months, if not years, of hard work. But, what good is that new customer or big sale if you aren’t paid your full (or any) commission? In the first part of his presentation, Dan will discuss how to increase the likelihood that you will be paid for the success of your efforts. Dan will delve into what terms to include (or not) in your rep agreement, how to increase your entitlement to post-termination commissions, your legal options if you are terminated improperly (including the differences between arbitration and litigation), the availability and power of statutory protection and remedies, and more.
Part Two: Putting the Success in Succession Planning
On another level, success is achieved in the sale or purchase of a rep agency. Whether you are the long-time owner of a thriving business, or one of its valued employees who hopes to buy the company some day, your future success is inextricably linked to that company having in place a well-crafted succession plan. In the second part of this presentation, Dan will review what you need to know about selling or buying a rep agency, including factors to consider in the valuation of a rep agency, the importance of due diligence, how to structure transactions and related tax consideration, and other legal issues and documents.
If success is important to you, you can’t afford to miss this presentation.
AAILA Member Networking Reception
We officially kick off our first 2023 member event as we welcome our manufacturer members for this members-only networking reception! Grab a drink and a few apps before heading out on the town.
Registration is complimentary but requested in advance.
Tuesday, March 7
AAILA Agency Member 30-Minute Complimentary Counseling Session
We are pleased to announce that as an added benefit to our sales representative members who will be attending the AAILA Conference, our speaker, attorney Daniel E. Beederman, will be providing complimentary 30-minute counseling sessions.
For forty years, Mr. Beederman has been counseling independent sales representatives on legal and business issues that are unique to their profession. At the Conference, Dan will be speaking on two topics: best practices for (i) reviewing, revising and negotiating sales representative agreements, and (ii) succession planning for rep agencies.
Not an AAILA Member? Contact us to learn more.

Daniel Beederman